Mari Kumpu

HR Manager BRP Finland Ltd.
Executive MBA HR eMBA

“Maintaining and updating my skills has been my guiding principle throughout my career, and I have regularly participated in various shorter and longer training and coaching. I had been planning and studying for the MBA degree for a long time. I was able to start my studies when I was struck by the training at the University of Vaasa’s Executive MBA with an HR emphasis, interesting module topics, and good experts.

Studying now that you have significantly more contact with practical business life is very rewarding. The practical experiences and discussions of the other participants will be a great contribution over the next few days.

My organization has also benefited from the training. For example, during the Well-being at Work and Competence Management module, I drew up a plan for the Five-Year Roadmap for Well-being at Work, which was later launched in my own organization, and during the Leadership module, we drew up personal leadership development plans. In addition, experiences and also practical operating models related to HR work have been exchanged with other participants, not to mention the new ideas I have received during the training.”